Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday: A bit of this and that..

Lunch out at PF Changs (our new favorite restaurant) Do you like Will's expression??? Do you love PF Changs too??

Kane got a new bed and Will said there was "room for two" see the expression on Kane's face.... not happy but tolerating! Kane goes through about 4 beds a year.

This is a picture of a batch of orders that I got out yesterday, it is always such a good feeling to complete some work! Off to the next batch of orders! Thank you if you are one of my very special customers!

Carpe Diem.... Seize the Day!

Don't forget to enter for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate to my shop enter HERE

For more Thousand Words Thursday please visit my friend Jen at Cheaper Than Therapy.


  1. Wonderful! I love his face so much and I think it's hilarious that he gets on the dog bed with Kane.

    Yippee on those orders!!!!

  2. The little boy I nanny for has that same headphone sweatshirt!

  3. LOVE the pics and love his face in the first pic.... Thanks!

  4. Those are some sweet pictures! And that bag of orders to get feeling in the world, right?! ;)

  5. He is so stinkin' cute .. I love his face in the first pic! I've never been to PF Changs, but we LOVE chinese food around here!!

  6. i do love his expression. what a cutie.

  7. I LOVE PF Changs. I don't get to go very often. It's out of the way. But oh, so good when we get there!

    Way to go on all of those orders!!

  8. Will is the cutest kiddo :) love the look :)

    Oh how I dream of that many orders LOL great job :)

  9. Will's smile is adorable! Glad to know your orders are steady!!

  10. He is just adorable! PF Changs..I've said it before...we LOVE to go there!

    Connor LOVES his dog tag necklace!!!!!!

  11. Oh my goodness, my Katie hardly ever lets our dog have a moments peace. I've seen your dog's expression all too often (Poor pups ;-> )

  12. Love the photo of Will and the dog. So sweet. :) Have always wanted to try PF Changs...will have to add it to the places to try list!

  13. What a face (in that first pic)!

    I've only been to PF Chang's once... and it was so good! Unfortunately, Shane wasn't all that thrilled about it, so I have no idea when I'll go back...

  14. I love those pictures! Will is so adorable! :)

    Great job getting all those orders done and out! :)

  15. Is that a greyhound? I have two from the track. A black name Jumper that is 15...can you believe that and a brindle name Rasta that is 10. I adore them both.


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