Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pucker up!!! Wordless Wednesday (well it never really is)

Last week we had a really nice playdate with "Will's girls", did you know that also includes Ellie, the Jack Russell Terrior? Ellie is so cute I always want to scoop her up and put her in my handbag and go shopping, wouldn't she look cute peeking her head out of my purse. Will had so much fun that he fell asleep within 5 mintues of driving home. He talks in his sleep and kept saying, "I don't want to go home!" He also has a crush on Ellie!

So tell me do you enjoy playdates as much as I do? They aren't just for the kiddos are they?

For other Wordless Wednesday's please visit MomDot and 5minutes4mom.


  1. So, so cute! Love the doggy kiss.

  2. Ahhh! I love dogs.. I wish I could haev one.. someday I suppose! Happy Wednesday!

  3. i love getting together with friends and having the kids play! makes life so much easier!

    cute pics

  4. We love playdates! Thinking of hosting a last minute one on Friday for the kids to sled on our little hill. Nice to have grownups to talk to too!

  5. love those "sleeping" pictures...makes our kiddos look even sweeter than they already are.... ;o)

  6. Look at how happy Will is!!!!! How cute!!

  7. Playdates are a wonderful gift for both child and mom. Alex always gets warn out at his playdates too. It's wonderful.

  8. I love dogs but we can't keep them 'cos we live in a condo. Sighhhh!

  9. Bag Tag is up on my blog! Woo Hoo!

    I love playdates too! I think we get as much fun out of them as our kids do! I love your photos..they really capture the day!

  10. So sweet. They look like angels when they sleep. You want to freeze time. Thanks for sharing!

  11. These are great pictures! Hunter and I need play dates, he told me the other day he was sad, something about friends and he didn't want to be at his home. All of this from a 2 year old! I think needs some play dates!

    Ellie looks cute and it looks like Will is loving the kisses.

  12. Awwww look at Will and Ellie to sweet and I think he had fun at the playdate!

  13. oh, i love that he was talking in his sleep, cute pictures!!

  14. Cute pictures. I love playdates LOL

  15. Way to cute, and yes, I love play dates for me!

  16. I bet the puppy was sleeping as well, lol.

  17. Hey! I just wanted to let you know I added your button to my blogroll!!

  18. Kristen that is a wonderful picture, I love sleeping pictures so peaceful LOL. Happy WW.

  19. No...definitly not just for the kiddos...mama needs the interaction too!! Cute pictures...happy WW!

  20. Playdates are definitely fun for both Moms and the kiddos. Just an excuse to get together and gab really!

  21. That's too funny with the talking in his sleep--at least you know that he had a great time!

  22. Playdates are for everyone and they really were fun. I made such great friends that way!

  23. Hmmm...what does Kane think of this?!

  24. Adorable! We actually had a play date yesterday and I was doing everything I could to keep my little man awake before we got home! It didnt work!


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