Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How do you like your TWILIGHT?

I don't know what took me so long but I am finally reading the first Twilight book. I have made so many "Bite Me" necklaces that I thought I should check it out, see what all the hype is all about! I know some like to speed through and read this series as fast as they can but not me! I like to read just 1-2 chapters a night, I want to savor it like a glass of fine wine!

How do you like your Twilight?
How many books have you read so far?
If I added another Twilight inspired necklace to the collection
what should it say?

Did you know the movie is coming to video on March 24th, good thing since we never seem to make it to the theater unless it is a kids cartoon. I have a thing for reading a book and then seeing the movie, just love doing that! I can't wait until it hits our local rental!

You can click on the picture of the "Bite Me" necklace for product details!


  1. I read only the first book :)I liked it

    I tagged you on my blog :)

  2. I read #1 fast and it was good!! Two I read slow, took it in. Doing the same with 3, i'm half way through...still loving it as much as number one. Your neckace should read ...and so the lion fell in love with the lamb.

  3. I'm almost finished with the 4th book and I can't wait until it comes out on video!

  4. I'm a huge Twilight fan! I've read all 4 books but not the sneak preview online for the 5th. Can't do it! I want to wait for the real thing! I've seen the movie a couple of times and I'm sure if I saw it again I would still get goosebumps when the Cullens walk into the cafeteria...sigh... Can't wait for the next movie! How about a necklace that says I'm 42 and I heart Edward?! Lol!

  5. I read them all! And I just stared another vampire series I am enjoying too!

  6. I read the 1st 3, but haven't gotten around to #4 yet. They really pull you in! I also saw the movie. It was good, but not as good as the books. There's a certain level of emotion that the movie just doesn't get.

  7. Loved all the twilight books, read all 4 of them in a weekend. My 15 year old daughter got me hooked! We saw the movie on opening night...I was surprised at all the grown women there (we almost matched the number of teenagers). I love the necklace...can't think of anything else it could say!
    Have a great day~
    ♥ Lilly

  8. I so was not on board with my book club reading the Twilight Series last year because I am 40 and I thought O MY GOD NO WAY....but I have to say I liked it. It was great fun esp after we had wondered through all of Jane Austen for months and then off to Vampires...IT was a BREATH OF FRESH AIR.

  9. I've read all 4 and I wanted more! Didn't get around to see the movie, so I can't wait till the dvd.

  10. I have read them all, and unlike you I HAD to read them fast, could not get enough of them!!
    Maybe you can do something with the lamb and lion????

  11. A girlfriend gave my Twilight and it's.... sitting on my night stand. She has been promising me that it's really great but the topic just doesn't grab me. I guess I still need some convincing! Keep us posted!

  12. A girlfriend gave my Twilight and it's.... sitting on my night stand. She has been promising me that it's really great but the topic just doesn't grab me. I guess I still need some convincing! Keep us posted!

  13. I don't particularly like it, and don't understand what all the fuss is about. But I'm talking about the movie, I haven't read the book yet.

    But even though I thought the movie was kinda a boring my thirteen year old daughter just loved it.

    And I'm sure she would love your necklaces too!


  14. I just finished the 1st book and am starting on the 2nd book. I have heard 2 & 3 are slow but 1 & 4 are the best!!

  15. I came back because I wanted you to know that I have your jewelry website listed on my blog! : ) xo

  16. I haven't read any Twilight books yet...Umm, I am also still on Page 11 of the first Harry Potter book...

  17. I'm intrigued by all the hype but haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet... ;)

  18. I have it but I haven't read it yet. Are you liking it so far?

  19. What a cute necklace!!! Yes, I have read all of the Twilight books - four times!

    I really enjoyed the movie and can't wait for it to come out on video. I think we are going to have a Twilight party when it comes out!

    Have a great night!


  20. I just finished the first one this past weekend... saw the movie first (book was much better of course).

  21. Oh wow! I LOVE THAT new jewlry, what a great idea! Yea I erad all four, and the last 2 I bought the day they came out! What great fun books!

  22. I have read these books 4 times now and I never stop hyperventalating. I think it should say "The Real Mrs. Cullen" LOL. okay well now you know I fantasize about vampires.


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