Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Did you know Scooby Doo is friends with Batman??

Will and Dad at Starbucks.... Check out the video! If you are a Scooby Doo fan "Scooby Doo Meets Batman" is a must see! I think I have it memorized, good thing I still LOVE Scooby!!!


  1. Scooby and Batman? What an odd combo! I wouldn't think Batman would have the patience to deal with Scooby Doo!

  2. i love them both scooby doo and batman .. wow

  3. How cute....I wish I had a starbucks right now!!!

  4. Awww... I love daddy and kid pictures. I had no idea that Scooby Doo and Batman were friends. Happy WW!

  5. Wow- I did not know that! Learn something new everyday LOL Happy WW!

  6. this video is a hit here with the monkey's too!!
    They are too cute together

  7. See now having boys we don't watch scooby or batman. Cute picture!
    Happy ~WW~

  8. Those two guys look like handsome movie stars right out of Central Casting!!! :)

  9. We like the vistit to SB too.. My son runs right to those big comfy chairs...who cant take a minute to share a gaint chair, coffee, and a good book?

  10. I could go for some Starbucks! What a cute photo!

  11. no I had no idea..I"m more of a Superman all the superheros my nephews think I"m a pretty cool auntie ;-)

  12. I had no clue! That must be one interesting video.

  13. cute picture :) we'll definitely check out the video :)

  14. Scooby and Batman?? my little guys love both of them...perfect!! ♥

  15. Cute pic and we totally have that DVD!

  16. Who isn't Scooby friends with? I mean really?
    I recently discovered that The Flinstones are on my Comcast On Demand. I'm so-o-o happy! (Unfortunately I see a resemblance between my oldest's temper tantrums and Fred Flinstones!)

  17. Interesting characters to place in a movie together! Father and son look like they are having an enjoyable time together!

  18. Scooby Doo and Batman? I had no idea!!! My kids would probably love that!!!

    What an adorable pic!!!

    I came here from the Follow Me Club but for some reason I can't access your "follow me" button. I'll keep trying because I've had this problem with a few other blogs and I think it's a problem on my end with my computer.

  19. So sweet! And Starbucks sounds so good right now... It's 1am and I might make a pot of coffee. And maybe go pee on a stick - as wanting to make coffee at 1am is a weird craving! lol

  20. I never knew, but if my boys find out they'll demand that book! That's the combination of two of their favorite characters!


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