Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday

We have had nothing but snow and very cold weather lately in Michigan! The first pic is just the beginning of the snow. The cold weather requires some cozy pj's w/ feet and the third pic shows the heat hog, Will and Kane fight over the heat vent. You can see Kane took over and even decided to lay on Will's "cozy" blanket.

What is the weather like in your neck of the woods?
To view more Thousand Words Thursday please visit Cheaper than therapy Jen

Don't forget to enter my contest for a chance to win a isABelt HERE


  1. Those feetie pajamas are the CUTEST things ever! I want a pair! Will looks toasty warm!

  2. Just came across your blog and loved the template, can you let me know how did you get this template, can you share a link, I would appreciate if you do so, thanks.

  3. I'm right there with you sista....just on the other side of the state. Buried in snow and freezing my ta ta's off!!! That propane guy came AGAIN yesterday....I HATE it when he comes and hands me that bill!!!

  4. We also live in Michigan! Too close to Lake Michigan when we get the lake effect snow, not close enough in the summer :)

    Love the jammies...

  5. Every young dude needs a good pair of footie PJ's!! Very cool Will! I wonder if they make those in Grampa's size?!! :)

  6. I love how the dog is laying in front of the heater!!!

  7. it is 80 degrees warmer today than it was a week ago. 51 today and -30 last thursday! i am sick of snow!!! great pics:)

  8. Great pictures, love the feetie pj's! We haven't had snow since Monday, I'm hoping it stays away!

  9. I want a pair of those pj's. I am cracking up at the dogs fighting over the heat vent so funny. Ok I really would love some snow and some really cold weather. It's January 22 and the high here in Dallas today is going to 83 can you believe that!!

  10. My son is 10 and he LOVES his feeties still! They're getting small though...

    As for weather, it's warmed up here in Ottawa, eh. Just a bit. Now it's -5Celsius, which is nice compared to the -35C we had last week. Woo hoo!!!

  11. I could use some footie pjs about now. :) Even if I did look pretty ridiculous.

  12. Kids in pj's are so adorable:)

    I am out in AZ and it is RAINING today!!! Can I have a woop woop!!??? We love rain out here! We get just stupid nuts when it rains! lol!

    You are all welcome to come stay at my's been in the high 70's low 80's all week...I have a can all hang out and get your tan on:)

    Sending you some sun! (well, I will tomorrow...cause today it's raining!!! yippeee!)

  13. Cute pictures, we have the same thing as you :)

  14. We'd been enjoying the 70 degree weather until Mother Nature remembered it was Winter and now we're getting drenched by much-needed rain!

    Love how the dog thinks he ranks in the family! ;)

  15. the footie pjs are the best! i love these pictures, the dog hogging the vent is just too funny!

  16. I love it when you show pics of Kane!

    It's in the mid 60's here today, but it will get cold again this weekend. Not cold enough for snow - boo.

  17. I'm in Michigan too and it's horrible, isn't it?

  18. you should move to california. it's 69 degrees right now.

  19. It was soooo nice today, almost 50 and sunny, but winter will be back soon. We had snow on Tuesday,no biggy. We did miss school for low temps last week,5degrees. My girlfriend in Wisconsin laughed her head off.
    Be warm!!!
    Love the jammies and the silly dogs!

  20. I so miss snow. I am originally from IL and currently live in FL. Haven't seen snow in over 6 yrs. :-( And the footie pj's, I love them!

  21. One of my fondest memories was standing over the heat vent in my nightgown. Oh-so-cozy!!!

    Great pictures Kristen!

  22. Love those footie pj's!!! It was actually 70 here in Mississippi yesterday!!! Happy ATWT!


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