Saturday, January 31, 2009

Closed: Giveaway,Giveaway,Giveaway: Softlips pure bliss for your lips!

Congratulations the winner is Carolyn of Carolyn in Carolina.

I have shared many times some of my favorite lipsticks but when I need just a great all round lip conditioner I like to keep several tubes of the Softlips 1oo% natural lip conditioners readily available for application. I love finding affordable products that are organic! The key for keeping your lips from becoming dry or chapped is keeping lip balm on your lips as often as possible. I have probably 5 tubes scattered throughout the house and in my purse so I can apply it whenever I need to. I also love to wear it under my lipstick as a base. What I love about the Softlips all natural is just that, they are all natural and come in two yummy flavors Honeydew and Pomegranate. I can't pick a favorite since I like both equally. These lip balms are smooth and taste great!

Here is the best part I have two to giveaway to one lucky reader!!!!!
I am going to keep it really simple please just leave me a comment that you would like to snag some Soft Lips certified organic lip conditioners!!! That is it, that simple! No hoops to jump through! Please just make sure I have a way of contacting you if you win!!! Contest closes February 7th at midnight EST.

You can find Softlips at Target, and many other drugstores and they are priced under $4.

Product information:

100% Natural, 95% USDA Organic.

Softlips® Pure Honeydew is certified organic and 100% natural. the premium, organic ingredients provide a silky-smooth, eco-friendly lip conditioner for softer, healthier lips.

  • Blend of organic oils, beeswax and shea butter deeply moisturize and nourish lips
  • Vitamin E and mineral -rich cucumber extract protect lips
  • 100% natural honeydew flavor
  • Free of pesticides, harsh chemicals and parabens
  • Gluten-free
  • Cruelty free
  • Certified organic by VOF

    100% Natural, 95% USDA Organic.

    Softlips® Pure pomegranate is certified organic and 100% natural. the premium, organic ingredients provide a silky-smooth, eco-friendly lip conditioner for softer, healthier lips.

  • Blend of organic oils, beeswax and shea butter deeply moisturize and nourish lips
  • Vitamin E and antioxidant -rich pomegranate extract protect lips
  • 100% natural pomegranate flavor
  • Free of pesticides, harsh chemicals and parabens
  • Gluten-free
  • Cruelty free
  • Certified organic by VOF


  1. Oh I love this. Haven't had anything from them in a while and would love to win ;)No pressure LOL

  2. I want my lips to be soft!

    Cool giveaway!

  3. I LOVE Softlips! These little lovlies are a necessary part of our lives out here in the very dry desert! Thanks for sharing their greatness! (and they work too!)

  4. I have been using Burt's Bees forever. But it doesn't seem to work as well as it used to.

    Maybe it's time for a change. I'm so in.

  5. I love softlips but haven't tried either of these yet..


  6. Thanks. I wouold love to have softlips!

  7. I would love to snag some Soft Lips!

    Thanks for the chance to win them!

  8. I definately would like to snag some Soft Lips certified organic lip conditioners!!

  9. Looks deelish and good too! The air is so dry here in Canada, the furnace is on almost constantly. We could sure use some of this goop!

  10. Ooo, I love Soft Lips! Amazing product.

    Toni recommended you, so I'm stopping by and subscribing to your blog, hehe. :)

  11. Awesome giveaway, Kristen!
    Thanks so much!
    :) Robin

  12. I love an easy giveaway! And this time of year, whose lips couldn't use a little extra help. I had the strawberry Softlips one time. Yummy smelling stuff!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. I am a lip product junkie!!!! I have never tried softlips before but would LOVE to!!!!!

  14. LOVE giveaways so add me to the pot! Continue to love my necklace and constantly getting compliments on it! Thank you!

  15. Oooooo! I'd love to win :)
    I've used Softlips before, but I've never tried the organic ones before.

  16. I would like softlips! Thank you very much!

  17. I'm always applying something to my poor chapped lips. I'd love to try this!

  18. Me, me, I want to snag some Soft Lips certified organic lip conditioners!!!

  19. My lips would be ever grateful LOL.

  20. OOOH I want some!! Thanks for offering the giveaway!

  21. I would like to snag some Soft Lips certified organic lip conditioner! Thanks for the giveaway! :)


  22. oooh! I just saw this in the checkout aisle at Target and was so tempted to buy it. I try to keep a tube of lip balm in all my purses and bags. I'd love to win!

  23. I love Softlips!


  24. Catching up on all my blog reading--I'm so glad I didn't miss this giveaway! I'd love to win!


Thanks for leaving some comment love!