Friday, January 16, 2009

Fashion Friday: Color=Message

Color your mood
Color your mood by klacustomcreations

Did you know the color you pick to wear could be sending a non-verbal message?

Green: The color of nature, refreshing and easy on the eye.
Pink: The most tranquilizing color and a very romantic color.
Blue: Tranquil and calming, releases calming chemicals in the brain
Black: A color that evokes authority and power.

Do you have a favorite color.

Be sure to visit my Product Junkie feature tomorrow. I have a fabulous giveaway that is also a solution to a fashion dilemma I too have from time to time.
To read my entire article please visit Beautiful! Fabulous!


  1. Right now it's black....the most slimming. I also like pink and pale yellow

  2. When it comes to clothes I like black or brown, anything else I love yellow! Hmmm weird message I'm sending LOL

    I have 5 awards for you!

  3. The only message I plan on sending when I wear black is that I hope this color hides my muffin top!

    Can't wait for tomorrow!

  4. My favorite color to wear is black. You have received an award from me on my blog!

  5. I like purple but i only have two shirts in purple.

  6. black is one of my fav colors also esp for handbags, shoes and pants and yes it is a very slimming color!

  7. I love navy blue...I wonder what that means!

  8. My tastes always change but right now I seem to be an aqua gal ;)

    I am having an Etsy Party on my blog, Jan 26-30, I hope you will join in on the fun:)

    I have a party button on my blog that you could add to your blog if you like, thanks:)

    I am also looking for sponsors for handmade giveaways, if you are interested, please let me know. An Etsian who sponsors a giveaway will be highlighted on my blog. But if you can't, no worries, just join in on the fun!

    Hope to see you there!



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