Tuesday, December 2, 2008

When someone touches your heart....

I have the pleasure of meeting some of the nicest people via my business and via my blog. I wanted to introduce you to a very special customer who touched my heart. Kori of My Life As A CFERS Wife is a Mom of two, Jacob and Calob and wife to Richard. Kori's husband has Cystic Fibrosis and has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 recurrent Colon Cancer.

Kori contacted me and asked me to create necklaces for her boys, with a special message from their Dad. Kori and Richard wanted the boys to know that their Dad will always be in their heart (ok tearing up as I type) One of the things I love about creating custom jewelry is helping customers create keepsakes that will be treasured for many years. I feel truly honored that Kori asked me to create these pieces.

Please take a visit over to Kori's Blog, where she opens up from her heart and shares her families journey, she is an amazing women who exhibits strength and courage through every post that she writes. I feel lucky to have met Kori and hope you will also. Please pray for Kori and her family and also see how you can help support a cause that is near and dear to their hearts.


  1. Oh My God You have me in tears here that is so so nice :) and I love the work you did so special :)

  2. As soon as I saw the necklaces, I knew who they were for and the tears started...

    I've had the awesome privilege of meeting Kori in real life... her courage amazes me, too! I'm so glad you were able to create these pieces for her!!!

  3. Wow. Absolutely lovely. What an incredible gift in so many ways.

  4. Awww Kristen, I teared up too. Thank you so very much for making this timeless treasure for us.

  5. I am a blog friend of Kori's. I wanted to tell you that those necklaces are beautiful and priceless!

  6. Such a touching story! Those are so beautiful!

  7. Words don't even express how much those are going to mean to those boys forever. You do great work!!!

  8. Those necklaces are perfect.

  9. Kristen you have quite out done yourself! I still get comments about my defy gravity necklace...and I love what you have done for Kori.

  10. That is so sad! What a neat idea for the boys.

  11. Kori & family are in my thoughts and prayers. This was such a beautiful idea for Jacob & Calob.

  12. Those are beautiful. Totally tearing up here too.

  13. I have read the blog. I am in tears here. This is incredibly beautiful.

  14. What a truly touching story. It's a beautiful piece of jewelry but really, isn't it so much more to the person that receives it?

    My father passed away last October. My stepmother wears his wedding ring on her neck. I've also thought about something just like this that would touch her heart.


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