Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thousand Words Thursday

We took Will to the movie theater for the first time, and to make it even better his first expereince was at a IMAX theater. We saw Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa, and he did really good. An hour into the movie he asked when it was going to be over. The IMAX is connected to The Henry Ford, which is a fabulous museum, it was all decked out for the holidays, we even got our picture taken for free, too bad we weren't dressed for he occasion. Will didn't want to see Santa, he said Santa is just too scary, maybe next year!
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Cheaper Than Therapy


  1. I love your picture together so beautiful :) and Will adorable as always :)

    We still didn't take our daughter to the theater, maybe after the holidays, and our experience with the Santa wasn't so pleasant last year LOL she was so scared, so this year we're skipping it :)

  2. oh that sounds like sooo much fun! I wanna see that movie!

  3. How cute all of you in the sled! What a fun was to remember his first movie going experience.

  4. How fun for him and that is a really great picture!!!

  5. Oh it sounds like a great time. Again, your photos are wonderful. You never disappoint!

  6. love the pics! very sweet family you have.

  7. I think that when a company makes movies for kids, they need to take into account the time! I remember the boys' first movie--it was much longer than an episode of Blue's Clues!

    Great picture!

  8. Beautiful photos! I was afraid of Santa when I was young...I did finally outgrow it and he will too! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I love the family picture with the sleigh!!!

  10. My kids all disliked Santa well into Kindergarten...*I haven't even taken K this year*

  11. I love going to the I-mas Theatre near us, it is so cool. Sounds like you all had a fun day.

  12. Oh it looks like he was such a good boy for you! Such a sweet photo. Love the family photo in the sled too -- very cool. I'm heading to your Etsy shop....looks like you have some awesome stuff happening there!

  13. wow, an imax movie, i know he loved it!! sounds like a great day:)

  14. Love the family photo!

    Can't wait to see Madagascar 2. I really liked the first one.

  15. What a cool pic of you guys in the sleigh!

  16. Your outfits are great and that picture is adorable! I love the sleigh! We saw the movie a couple of weeks ago and enjoyed it but I like the first one better! Glad you had a great time! xo


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