Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thousand Words Thursday: A boy and his nutcrackers

Well actually they are my nutcrackers! At last count I have 17 nutcrackers on my mantel. I collect nutcrackers, I guess you figured that out. I performed in the Nutcracker from childhood and well into being an adult. I was just about every character. I never understood why a child would receive a gift of a nutcracker but Will is obsessed with my nutcrackers. He will play with them on and off all day and has given them names, and BUTTCRACKER is one of them. At least Will can rhyme! He did ask me why the ballerina one has her nutcracker on her boobs and isn't like the other ones. Will is giving the nutcrackers a big hug in the above picture, I can't believe I let him play with them. Jenni over at Jiggety Jigg doesn't like nutcrackers, you can find out why here.

What would Christmas be with out a Lighting McQueen ornament?

What do you collect and why?

Cheaper Than Therapy


  1. LOL that is so sweet,and the boob comment LOL
    I guess when it comes to Christmas I have the most Santa's in the house LOL,not that I collected them on purpose though it happened and now I just add to it. My daughter loves Santa and Snowmen, but Santa only in movies,books,and as toys-decorations, no way would she sit on Real Santa's lap LOL

  2. My mom collects Santas but I really don't think I am partial to any one winter/holiday collection. I did notice I have an excessive amount of snowmen on my tree so I guess I lean that way.

  3. My mom has a ton of nutcrackers at her house and the kids love to make them eat the ornaments! Will's so cute!

  4. My 4 yr old just saw that Lightning McQueen ornament and said, "WOW!"

  5. Just stopping in from Cheaper than Therapy. Cute pic of boy and nutcrackers! We have only a few, nutcrackers, not boys, but I think they are adorable!

  6. I don't really collect anything I don't guess. I use to get all the Barbie ornaments and dolls for Christmas for my daughter. I did have a hard time parting from them when she moved out. I still have some that she told me she was getting this year. Maybe I won't be able to find them. lol

    I have a surprise for you over on my post for today. I hope you like it.

  7. Buttcracker!?!??!
    That is one funny kid!

  8. Buttcracker! That must be a boy thing - he sounds like my nephews.

    Nice collection! I don't guess I collect anything Christmasy.

  9. I collect books... do they count?

    I love your nutcrackers! very cool!

  10. LOL! Thanks for the linky!

    I actually like the statue Nutcrackers! I have some on my mantle!

  11. Oh my, Hunter would so steal that Lightning McQueen. I need one of those!

    BTW, my friend had her birthday and loved her necklace. I posted about it today!

    Merry Christmas!

  12. I love nutcrackers too! LOVE those- Marshall's just had the best ones that I had to hold myself back from buying. I just collect children these days, it seems! :)

  13. I love the collection. And how wonderful that Will enjoys the nutcrackers too.

  14. trying to catch up on my reading...
    Our little guy just watched CARS for the first time a couple of weeks ago (over a series of days-I wonder if he even pieced the whole movie together) and is now really into Lightning McQueen, too! Merry Christmas (my guys are both napping)!


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