Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday Favorite, Featured and Giveaway

Today must be my lucky day! I am a featured Mom at Maternal Spark and if you would like to read my interview please visit HERE. There is a giveaway at this site so be sure to enter for your chance to win my handstamped "I Am Loved" necklace, it would make a great gift for someone special on your list.

I am also a Featured Friday Favorite at Six Feet Under. Head on over and see what Tess has to say about my shop.

And last but not least, I am also featured over at the very lovely site Prim and Proper

A special thank you to all of these lovely blogs for featuring my shop. Happy Friday!


  1. Whooo hooo Look at you Miss Popularity. How wonderful.

    Necklaces came yesterday. They are lovely. I will be sure to take pictures when Richard gives them to the boys. So I can blog all about it of course.

    Ok now I'm off to read and to enter this giveaway.

  2. Woohoo!!!! What an appropriate necklace to be giving away.....YOU are loved!!!! Congrats!!

  3. Congrats!!! Love the necklace :)

  4. Wow, check you out! Congratulations.

  5. Woot! Woot! You rock! Congrats! Off to check out all your features!

  6. Thanks for the shout out Kristen!! You are quite popular this week:)

  7. Good for you! Can't wait to go read your features!

  8. So very cool!!! You deserve all the recognition!!! I have added several of your items to my wish I just need someone to give that list to! Santa?? xo Keli

  9. Congrats on getting featured!
    Your etsy store rocks!


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