Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A date with my guy....

The last few weeks have been so crazy busy filling customers orders and trying to occupy Will while doing it. I have to say what kept me going was my coffee date with my little guy. Every other day we made a run to Starbucks (the chocolate milk store as Will calls it) We both have our favorite drinks, mine is the Peppermint Mocha Twist and Will's usual is the Horizon Chocolate milk. Thank you to Starbucks for making such yummy drinks and for allowing for some fabulous people watching.

I have a few items still available in my shop that are ready to ship. One of the Hot sellers was the "Dad" keychain. I made a few extras for last minute shoppers so if you would like to purchase one you can pick it up here.

What is your favorite place to visit when you need a quick break or a recharge? Or tell me your favorite Starbuck's drink, I told you mine!

P.S. I am sorry I haven't visited as much as usual, but after this week things should slow down and I will be albe to visit all of my bloggy friends!

P.S.S. I am announcing the winner of the Featured Reader contest later today, be sure to check back. I am also looking for new Featured Readers for 2009.


  1. Ah the Starbucks :) love Will's picture with his chocolate milk he definitely knows how to treat himself and so does Mommy :)

    When I need to get away it's definitely to the Starbucks, and if I don't stay there it's Starbucks to go and off to the nearest book store Borders in my case :)

    My favorite at the moment is Espresso Truffle and the one you get :)

  2. That is great that you are able to spend that quality time with Will so that you have a little breathing room during the day. Lucky you to be so busy this holiday season!

  3. I had never really thought about Starbucks - because I am not a coffee drinker. But I didn't realize that hot chocolate was an option until I was reading yesterday about their salted caramel hot chocolate. I am going to have to try that.

    But I am a diet Coke junkie (and love when I find Coke zero instead) - especially from Sonic.

  4. Oh I love the peppermint mocha too!!!! Everyone I know wrinkles their nose up at me when I tell them!!! I am in heaven this time of year!!!

  5. I love the Pepp Mocha this time of year! My normal go to drink is the mocha and for some reason, my son can't stand those chocolate milk boxes!

  6. Peppermint Mocha twist is definitely my favorite too. I love chocolate with a hint of peppermint. I don't go to Starbucks often, but went twice last week and that is what I ordered. Yum!

  7. Yummmm, Starbucks. I just discovered the Peppermint Twist Mocha and I love it! Otherwise, I think my fave is still a raspberry mocha.

  8. I'm not a coffee drinker... the only thing I've had @ Starbucks is their hot chocolate. I'll have to try the salted caramel one... I had heard about it, too!

  9. Awww. This is such a sweet tradition! :)
    I love peppermint mochas too. Funny cause the rest of the year I am all about lattes but for some reason, I need the chocolate and peppermint fix this come the holidays!

  10. Unfortunately we don't have a Starbucks nearby, but we do have a Granny's.

    I love the smell of apple pie wafting from the doorway, and I love the coffee.

  11. I love iced coffee, and Burger King's is my fave. We no longer have a BK, but it is worth a 20 minute drive to get one every now and then. It doesn't hurt that a Dollar Tree is along the path ;)

  12. I love the mocha chip fraps at Starbucks! Delish!

  13. Love Starbucks and your little Will is so cute!!! Chai Tea w/out H20!! xo


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