Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

I was making dinner and came in the living room to find Will fast asleep, and it was 6pm! Guess what time he went to bed after his evening nap?


  1. Poor thing was just exhausted! So he just fell asleep on the floor with his jacket and shoes on?! Cute!

  2. I can only imagine! I hope he stayed asleep for you till morning, but something tells me that is not the case, lol

  3. He is so cute, and I'm guessing your night is as late as mine LOL my daughter had a late nap from 7 till 8:30 waiting for her Daddy to come home, so finally she went to bed at 11:00 PM LOL I'm guessing Will did too :)

  4. Oh I know the feeling. I would crash on the floor too if I didn't think I would get stepped & jumped on.

  5. As much as I hate seeing that Jake's out cold, since I know I won't get him back down til ten, that is the sweetest thing a mom can see! Happy Wordless Wednesday & Thanksgiving!

  6. Don't you hate it when they do that? It turns into a big dilemma--do I wake him or let him sleep!

  7. must have been a tuckered out little guy! what a sweetie!
    Happy WW!

  8. So cute but I'd be thinking about bedtime too. 10pm?

  9. Ah yes, those are the LONGEST nights ever! It took me a few times with my first child to prevent that from happening. Now, it's a well known fact...never let the child nap in the later afternoon/evening. LOL!

    He's a handsome little guy!

  10. That is called WORE OUT!!!! So, you were able to make dinner in peace... you were just up partying all night because he got a second wind huh?!!!

  11. How very sweet. Nothing like sleeping babies to make you see the angels inside of them.

    Hope he didn't keep you up too late!

  12. 10 pm? I wonder what wore him out?

    Have a Great Thanksgiving:-)

  13. Yes it was darn close to midnight and we kept trying to wake him up from his evening nap and nothing worked then when he did get up he got a 2nd wind. I may not survive this dropping of naps or late late naps. :(

  14. Hey when you get a chance stop by and pick up an award :)

  15. Hey, sorry about my confusing new design LOL so all awards are under awards category but direct links are :

    If I missed anything you can go here and just grab anything that I've missed :)

    Oh and yea usually the featured post on top it was suppose to be for like promotions and special occasions, and the new posts on my site are under Latest posts...a little too much I know, but I promise I'll explain it all in a post LOL

    Happy Thanksgiving again :)

  16. Sometimes there's nothing you can do when they fall into a deep sleep like that. He really had to be tired to fall asleep like that and he looks so sweet.

    Brain Foggles

  17. Just popped over from your Etsy Store. Your jewelry is so pretty. And I have to say...your little boy is just adorable. I understand why he loves the bat cave. It looks WAY cool!

    Sandy Cooper

  18. That is too must mean he had a great day :-)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  19. He was OUT!

    You are linked in at my place for bloggy shopping! :)


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