Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thousand Words Thursday: Will's 3rd Birthday Party

Will waiting for his guests to arrive for his party! "Are they here yet?"

Will got really shy when everyone sang to him, Mom came to the rescue!

He loved each gift and even wanted to read the cards, made Mom so proud.

The Spider man Cake was delicious!

Here is his loot, boy oh boy did he make out with some amazing gifts! What is there left to get him for Christmas?

The Bat Cave was one of his favorites, maybe because he kept asking for it every time we went to Target.
I can't believe my baby is already 3 years old, where does the time go. This birthday was so fun, not just for him I think everyone enjoyed watching the joy on his face when opening his presents.

If you would like to join in on the fun please visit:

Cheaper Than Therapy


  1. He looks so happy, I'm so glad you all had fun :)

    Years do seem to fly by don't they???

  2. oh that looks like so much fun! And the cake looks great!

  3. Wow he sure did make out! He'd adorable. I love three yearold such a fun age.

  4. Looks like an awesome Birthday party. So much fun. I miss the boys being little.

  5. Time does fly. My "baby" is almost 17. Seems like just yesterday she was 3.

  6. My boys are still young enough that we have family birthday celebrations for them. I'm kind of dreading the day when they'll want to have a party with their friends instead of family but I guess that's just a part of growing up. Looks like everyone had a great time and that cake looks so good!

  7. that bat cave is awesome!!Looks like a great day!

  8. Fun party!! Kristen you are just so beautiful, you are so glam!

  9. Looks like a great time! He really did get a lot of nice things. That's so great. He looks so happy.

    Happy ATWT

  10. Wow, he really made out like a bandit! What is Christmas going to be like? He already has everything. I think that is a good thing. One gift and he will be happy.

  11. Wow! It looks like Will made out like a bandit!

  12. Look at all those gifts! And birthday cake, yummm!

  13. WOW look at all those presents!! Looks like he had a great birthday!!!

  14. They do grow sooo fast. Enjoy 3!

  15. Looks like Will had a great party and got lots of loot! My oldest son's bday is middle of January and my 2nd son's bday is middle of October, so we have the same problem when it comes to Christmas!!

  16. Wow he did make out with all the presents! Way to go Will!!!

  17. I had all of the SuperFriends action figures when I was younger... I would have traded many a snack pack for that Bat Cave!

  18. happy birthday will! i looks like you had a great birthday party!!

  19. Mmmmm, cake is good... but birthday cake is the best!

  20. What fun! Love the picture of him eating his cake!!


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