Sunday, November 9, 2008

Feel Good Sunday: I Melt For You

It has turned bitter cold in Michigan so I thought it was only fitting to post the "I Melt For You" hand stamped necklace. I also wanted to share a fun poem.

The Snowman
I made a snowman round and fat
And on his head I put a hat,
He sat out in the sun all day
And slowly melted all away.
But I can tell just where he sat,
Because he didn't take his hat. unknown source

The "I Melt For You" necklace is available in very limited quantites, if you are interested please visit my shop to purchase Kristen's Custom Creations.

Do you like the cold weather?


  1. So cute! I must admit, I am a warm-weather girl. I love being outside under the hot sun... I don't fare all that well in the cold. Though I do enjoy the change of seasons, I think I'd feel out of sorts without them. :)

  2. Cute necklace! Wish it snowed more here in Arkansas.

    I either like it hot or cold. I don't know how to dress for 60 or 70 degree weather!

  3. So Cool,
    and no I can't stand cold but no choice LOL

    You have an award on my blog :) so stop by!

    Have a wonderful Sunday!!!

  4. Your snowman neckalace is adorable! I bet it's cold on your neck in the winter. All you need a super cute scarf and you're good to go!

  5. oh that is SOOO adorable! What a cute idea!

  6. Cold weather is horrible!! the only thing that can warm you up is Mexican food!! :)

  7. That is so cute. Like cinnamon I am a warm weather gal but this would make a cute Valentine's Day present.

  8. I saw your stumble request on the mom bloggers club stumble group so I came here to stumble, and I see you live in Michigan!!! *waving hi from her house in West Lansing**

    The internet really isn't such a big place sometimes, you know? I'd love to chat with you, email me at elizabeth(at)momreviews(dot)net :)


Thanks for leaving some comment love!