Sunday, November 30, 2008

Feel Good Sunday: I Believe

I Believe in Santa Claus
Having faith in Santa Claus
Is not for just the young,
I know I'll keep proclaiming him
As long as I've a tongue.
And even though
I see the gent
Unmasked before my eyes,
Revealing some familiar friend
Who's donned the quaint disguise,
It doesn't change my mind a bit;
I'll still believe, because
There's more than whiskers and a suit
To dear old Santa Claus;
Bright hopes there are,
And dreams come true,
Good cheer, unselfish sharing
Personified by gifts of love
Within the pack he's bearing.
To call these angels
"Santa Claus"Is surely not deceiving,
So I, for one, will never scoff
But go right on believing.
The handstamped "I Believe" necklace is available at Kristen's Custom Creations.


  1. Ooo, I love it! And I believe too ;-) I gotta go check out your shop...maybe I can talk my husband into getting me a mommy necklace for Christmas...woo hoo!

  2. I think fun would be gone if I didn't believe anymore!!!! Love the necklace!!

  3. Too cute!! I will be contacting you soon for an order :)


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