Thursday, October 30, 2008

What would I do without you Mr Tivo?

I don't know what I would do with out my Tivo. Tivo allows me to watch my shows when I want to and the best part commercial free! I wanted to share my Tivo picks. I have been so busy some are going to be removed from the list. The crazy thing about my list is that I added up the hours and it came out to almost 20 hours so something had to go. When the shows just sit in Tivo for weeks they have to be deleted.

My Fall Tivo Line-up (for now)

Desperate Housewives (A favorite, even though a while back an anonymous person left me a nasty gram about how terrible this show is, sorry I like it)

Brothers and Sisters (A favorite, please stop making me cry)

Gossip Girl (My guilty pleasure, trashy teen shows)

Samantha Who? (Gosh do I love Kristina Applegate and I want her hair)

One Tree Hill (I really like this show it is a keeper)

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Action, love it)

Prison Break (Another good action show)

The Mentalist (Good show if you like solving murders)

90210 (so far a keeper, another teen show on the list)

Privileged (this show is so sweet and Megan the main character has some quirky charm, I would hang out w/ her)

Lipstick Jungle (watch it just for the cool fashion)

Private Practice (so much better than Grey's Anatomy, the writing is really good)
Ghost Whisper (I heard Jim is going to be killed off, sorry if this is a spoiler but it was in TV Guide) Even though I don't watch every episode I still really like it.

Still Sitting In Tivo: Close to being deleted.

Dirty Sexy Money(close to being deleted)

Ugly Betty (close to being deleted, boring and same old story line)


Fringe (too hard to follow, I tried)

Grey' Anatomy (off the list, deleted, is it me or is it just so boring I think all of the good writing is being put into Private Practice

All CSI'S (deleted, will get caught up over the summer when the re-runs are on, still like you but just don't have the time right now)

Pushing Daisies (sorry just not into you this season)

I am having a really hard time keeping up with my shows, some other shows will just have to go also.

And the Award goes to.......Me!!!!

Whenever I receive an award I feel like it is an Academy award, it means someone actually gets some enjoyment out of my blog, which is my goal. I received the "My Favorite Blog" from a new bloggy friend Suzana of the Firefly-Shop I always have such a hard time selecting winners of awards so I am going to share it with all of my readers. Please grab this beauty for your award page and check out Susana's site it is amazing!

I know that is a huge list and I am barely keeping up. Please leave me some comments about your favorite shows, I love to talk TV!


  1. I guess Desperate Housewives is the only show we have in common. I like Jon and Kate Plus 8, Biggest Loser, The Office, 30 Rock, What Not to Wear, and....LOST!

    I'll probably watch Top Chef again this season since Project Runway is over.

  2. My faves: Lost and The Office. I haven't watched any of the Desp. Housewives this season--I've been too busy watching Arrested Dev. online.

  3. LOL I find that I end up deleting half of my recorded shows b/c I don't ever have time to watch TV and the box fills up.

    My list at any given time includes(included): Biggest Loser, Days of Our Lives, Jon & Kate Plus 8, America's Got Talent, Super Nanny, and The Bachelor(ette).

    I LOVE that you can fast-foward thru commercials, though. I'm so used to doing it now that I almost can't watch live TV anymore because I've grown too impatient.

  4. I think I would litterally die if I didn't have my tivo. Ok, here are my faves...
    The Office
    90210 So into that show right now and yes I admit it lol
    CSI New York
    Grey's Anatomy

  5. LOL cute post :)

    90210, Gossip Girl(read all the books so now I'm watching the series) don't mind me I'm like still in high school some days hahaha (I just wish I looked same like in high school)
    And on the days when I had way too much work after my one child, I watch Jon and Kate Plus 8 so that I could see and believe that other people, with more kids have it harder than me the drama queen LOL
    And of course the Prison Brake, but I miss lot of it LOL and all else I don't really watch anymore :)

  6. Love the Office! and a little Reality TV is always on our Tivo too!
    Have a safe and happy Halloween!
    kari & kijsa

  7. Ok, we are alike in so many ways it is scary! hubby and i love private practice, and i just found and fell in love with cute. actually just got done watching it. i try to watch some of them and do other crafty things. like making my cards and stuff. so then i don't feel so bad, but i know what you mean! also have to tivo oprah, don't watch all but a lot of them are good!

  8. Hi!
    Oh, you know I love talking about TV! So cool to see what shows you like. (I agree with you on Grey's but I keep watching.) Great choices!
    Did you say you liked Mad Men? Oh, and what about 30 Rock? It's one of my faves... and it's premiering tonight so try to catch it if you can. Tina Fey is so funny and the writing is fab.
    PS- Does your TiVo record to DVD? I got one of the last models with that feature and I am SOOOO happy that I did.

  9. Love Lipstick Jungle, Project Runway, Real Housewives (because I just like to see how other people live) Supernanny, Survivor, and Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. Okay that last one is on the food network which I just love!

  10. Right now, my DVR is getting full of Heroes and The Office. Heroes, because I watch Dancing With the Stars (I know, cheesy!) and The Office because I'm watching Grey's.

    I also love Survivor, The Mentalist (Simon Baker is a hottie!), House, The Amazing Race, Desperate Housewives...


Thanks for leaving some comment love!