Thursday, October 9, 2008

Collegiate Pride and the battle of State Vs. Michigan

Just a few things before we talk about the Michigan Rivals. Today HippoToes is officially launching their new clothing line. Please head on over and check out their cool duds for your little ones! Have you also visited La Dolce Vita and Friends lately? Many fab finds from some of the finest Inde Artists.

Now that we are deep into football season I thought it was time to reveal a few necklaces I just created for a customer. In Michigan you are either a fan of Michigan State or The University of Michigan. The battle has gone on forever and if your friends or family were ever to find out you were rooting for the other team you better prepare for a beating. I thought it would be fun to keep track of which is the better seller, since a true fan will be sure to purchase either the "Sparty" or "Go Blue" necklace. I really think both are great for different reasons and am not just saying that since I created both necklaces.

I can also create these for really any College team. If you would like your favorite team stamped please just contact me.
What is your favorite college team? What are your states rival teams?


  1. I have to come back over after work & really have a look around... Christmas is coming afterall...I LOVE your blog!

  2. We are a huge Virginia Tech house. Go Hokies!! Therefore UVA is the rival.

  3. I don't follow any college teams! Is that sad? I love the NE Patriots, though!

    Awesome pieces!

  4. I would love one for my favorite team the Arkansas Razorbacks. Although they are not doing so well this year I am still rooting them on. GO HOGS GO

  5. Those are great!!
    I am more of a NFL fan than college, but since I am in So Ca, I will have to say USC!

  6. Seriously, can I borrow some of your inspiration? You come up with the best ideas!!! We're not college sports fans but we are a mixed marriage... Yankee/Red Sox fans. Only the best rivalry in baseball! :)

  7. OH-IO!!!!!!!!!!
    Ohio State and Michigan!


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