Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Lunch with the girls

I know it is suppose to be wordless but I couldn't resist. These are Will' s girls (as he refers to them) don't they look like they are having a nice lunch? Right before I snapped the picture Will was telling Angelina that she couldn't sit next to him and he was pushing her, keep in mind it is her house and her table. After a bit of coaching(ok persuading) he enjoyed his lunch with his girls.
Aren't these little ladies adorable?


  1. What a great photo! And I really like the makeover. Cute!

  2. So cute Happy WW- and love the new design!

  3. They are precious girl! And I think you are going to have yourself a heartbreaker!!

  4. What a lucky guy Will is, the only boy among some really cute girls. Great pic! I love your new layout!

  5. "his girls" I love it! Happy WW!

  6. That is too cute! When my oldest was in mommy and me as a toddler she was the only girl amongst tons of boys!

  7. So cute!

    BTW I think DH FINALLY sent the order in. I know it's late take your time.

    Darn husbands.

  8. So cute! And I love the new look here!

  9. Oh!
    I love tea party's!
    (Will's one smart boy!)
    Kristin, your blog design is just so beautiful. I love the colors.

  10. Well hey there! Thanks for stopping by:) I love love comments too! Their one of my happy place...oh yeah!

    Love your pic! How cute is your son??!!! LOL!! Too cute! Too too cute!

    ~ amy

  11. Oh that is an adorable picture!!!


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