Thursday, September 25, 2008

What is a Mother to do?

Will has been telling us for a while that he would like to be a Cow for Halloween. I received my current Parents Magazine and saw this picture and thought wouldn't it be fun for the entire family to dress up. Hubby even agreed to be a Farmer and I thought we could have Kane be a piggy and I could be a farm girl, but Will wants me to be a Piggy and he is insisting on it. I really don't want to be a pig even though Miss Piggy was my idol when I was a kid. I am sure many would love to see me dressed as a pig but you tell me what should I dress up as? Should I go with the costume I want or should I be a Piggy? I have two choices for a Piggy see below:

Cute little Piggy Choice #1
My Idol Miss Piggy Choice # 2
Please leave your vote in the comments, I am not guaranteeing that I will dress up as a Piggy but I wanted to take a Poll.


  1. I would go with the cute little piggy if you must go as piggy just to finish out the theme. However, if it were me I would find someway to convince Will that he wants you to be a farm girl. I know, I know, easier said than done.

  2. You could always wear your hair in a super high pony tail (Pebbles Style) and dress in all green with some crepe paper and say you're a stalk of corn. Corn is sexy right?!

  3. Nope no piggy for mom!! Daddy can be a farmer, mom can be the farmers wife and Will can be a cute cow! END of story!! I suggest that both grampaws be handsome door to door salesmen!!! :)

  4. I guess I'm the odd gal out....I think that Will will tend to remember the time his mommy dressed up as Miss Piggy. You're so beautiful that even as Miss Piggy you'd be stunning. Personally, I think pigs are pretty cute. Make a deal with him, this year you're Miss Piggy next year he's KERMIT! I think giving kids choices is a great learning tool..trouble is, you have to hold him to it! Either way, it's a fun, family time and light heartedness is the key! OR, go as Miss Piggy when you're with him and as a farm girl at the adult parties....have a wonderful time Kristen. I miss those days when my kids were young. I'd gladly dress as a pig just to have the opportunity to spend halloween with my little ones. (now 23 and 25)

  5. I think being the farm girl is a good idea. How about carrying a stuffed piggy as a compromise.

  6. Ok, Farm Girls are cute BUT the Miss Piggy idea is FAB! Think about it.

  7. I have a son who will not let go of the fact that HE wanted his sister to be named Katie Brigid. I'd hate for you to have to deal with the wrath of a lil guy! SO, I vote for piggie! I'm thinking big pink fluffy tutu, pink piggie ears on a headband, but maybe skip the nose :P BIG faux ring a must! I loved Miss Piggie, too! She was so chic - lol!

  8. I have to agree with mekhismom and go as the cute farmers wife and carry a cute stuffed pig.

  9. I say indulge your son, be a pig! Then stay in the car.

  10. I never like Ms. Piggy much, she was too bossy with Kermit; I would go with Piggy #1.

  11. I am loving the little miss piggy! can't wait to see what you decide:)

  12. LOL I love the whole family theme but how could you not be a piggy? The guilt alone would kill me lol but thats because my kids know how to turn it on :-) So I have just proved that I am no help at all!

    The Dirty Shirt

  13. Miss Piggy all the way. You will have so much more fun with it. We want pictures!!!

  14. I am really digging the Miss Piggy idea, I do need a pretty pink tutu for sure and I have some jewelry, need gloves but I may pass on the pig nose but we will see.

  15. Do the piggy piggy! It'll be cute!

  16. Wow. Mommy love Kristen, mommy love.
    If you do decide to go with a pig costume you can't go wrong dressing as Miss Piggy! (But you knew that already, right? ;-> )
    Embrass your inner swine!

    ~And, you having dreams of being in public naked? I believe it. We're all afraid of showing our true selves and this dream is a perfect symbol of that.
    However, are you riding a bicycle as well?!? Well THAT'S a different matter! ;->
    You make me smile Kristen. I can't wait to hear about your dream tomorrow! Maybe we should start a B!F! Dream Log!

  17. Ohhh you would be so cute as a little piggy. wearing all pink and little pink hat.( a reason to go get some PINK V. secret or Juicey Couture(haha)or any pink sweats... You can add your own 2 little ears from pink material or pink construction paper. easy to do and take off but still have a sweet little pink would look adorable.
    maybe pink on your nose & cheeks. don't forget cute curly tail.(wich no one would see and fall off before you left the house) haha
    Whatever you decide... You'll all look great!
    Have fun!
    Don't forget that these are the times they remember.


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