Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Vote for my Mama!

Have you heard? Now that my Mama has been nominated you can head over to Mom Dot and cast your vote. She seems to be a bit behind in the polls but every vote counts until the last one is counted. She has been nominated for Cheer Captain and Most Likely to Succeed. I will be campaigning the rest of the week for her, I think I am getting some cookies or brownies if she wins. Please vote!

Go Mama!


  1. VOTED! "Most likely to succeed?" You've already shown what a succesful entrepreneur you are, balancing your creative outlet with motherhood and being a wife. Have a great one!

  2. I voted (and nominated) for you in most likely to succeed! You already are in my book!

  3. Yes, that was my Jesus takes the wheel necklace...I hardly ever take it off. I love it and have gotten more compliments on it than I can count!

    You have good eyes. :)

  4. Kris you know that I voted for you before you even asked! I hope that you win - you are the best.

  5. Well I cast my vote for your mom and I'm sure you'll get some cookies & brownies out of it, although just remember... hugs, kisses and snuggles are the best! Good luck to your mom! ~ Sharon

  6. LOL I voted and that is sneaky!!!!! But a good sneaky :-)

    The Dirty Shirt

  7. You've been tagged! The Muse tagged me and I chose you! Write eight things you would like to share or that people don't know about you, then tag eight others.

    I'll vote for your mom. Sure hope you get some brownies and cookies!

  8. I voted for ya Kristen! I think you have a great campaign manager on your hands.

  9. Oh he has a future in politics. How could anyone say no to that lil face! :) Good luck!!


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