Saturday, September 6, 2008

Someone actually thinks I rock besides my own Mother....

I received this nifty award from Jennifer over at The Dirty Shirt and Jenn at The Peacock's Nesting place, please stop by and say hello to Jennifer and Jen, they both blog from the heart. I would like to pass this award on to some of my New bloggy friends:

Tena, from Punky Monkey

Jenni, from Jiggity Jigg

Angela, from Unexpected Art

Juliana's Site

Christy, from Shake the Salt


  1. Congrats on your award! Have a great weekend!

    By the way, I know I've told you before...but I get SO many compliments on my necklace! I absolutely love it!

  2. Congratulations on the award you really do rock!

  3. congrat for the award and thanks for sharing with me :D

  4. Thanks for the award! I'm so excited. Now it's time to hunt down some favorites of mine.

    BTW, now I totally want the serenity necklace. That prayer has a special place in my life!

  5. WOW! Congrats to you and THANK you VERY much! :-D


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