Monday, September 22, 2008

Let me introduce you to.....

I received such great feedback about my weekly Featured Reader and have to say I am really enjoying it also. I am learning even more about my readers while doing the interviews. If you would like to be one of my Featured Readers please send me a email at by participating you may just win yourself one of my hand stamped jewelry creations with a retail value of up to $50.

Now through Wednesday September 24th I am offering Free Shipping with all purchases of $35 or higher in my shop. Please just include a note that says Freeship24 and I will credit you for the shipping fee.

I am pleased to introduce you to Jennifer of The Dirty Shirt
Jennifer shares her musings of being a Mom and also does some fabulous reviews. If you have a product that you would like reviewed I suggest you head on over to The Dirty Shirt for more details.

Name: Jennifer from The Dirty Shirt

Your family: I am married to a wonderful man who makes it possible for me to be a SAHM and teacher to our three children. My son is 15, My middle daughter is 9 and then my baby is 13 months. People always ask me why I started all over again.

How did you start blogging? I started blogging as a way to try to keep my extended family in contact and slowly branched out from there. I have now grown in readership and have met many wonderful people in so many communities.

If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy? My parenting philosophy is to always stay in control. Now that does not always happen as readers of my blog know, but it is something I strive for especially since I am also my children's teacher.

You will never find me without...... My sense of humor. I am raising 3 kids one is a teen you need that to survive :-)

Day job: Right now my daughter and I are in the process of setting up a business, she likes to create and I am helping her make some things. It is going to be something that I share with her and hope to teach and pass on to my youngest when she is old enough. Stay tuned to my blog for details :-)

Favorite Stuff:

Music: I have a huge array of music likes. Everything from Josh Groban to the other extreme Old School Metallica (grew up having to listen to that and now my son is making me do it all over again lol but I do like some of it) And even though I am old enough to be their mother I really do like the Jonas Brothers music ;-)

Food: A good old fashioned steak and potato is my favorite meal but I love all Mexican and Italian foods.

Tv/ Movies: I am not much of a movies person due to lack of time to watch them. But TV is a whole new ball game lol My favorite shows are Brothers & Sisters, 24, Desperate Housewives, So You Think You Can Dance, Tori & Dean and The Bill Engvall Show

Reading: My favorite authors are Sandra Brown, Dean Koontz and Jackie Collins. Tori Spelling ain't too bad either :-)

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be?

You're Alive...So Live

Favorite stores to shop at? Honestly I usually do the majority of my shopping online from places like Amazon, Old Navy, Target. I am actually looking forward to doing some Christmas shopping online this year from some of the awesome shops I have found and been introduced to through blogging, such as your great jewelry shop :-) (I didn't pay Jennifer to give my shop some love, I swear)

Misc stuff:

I do want a take a second and thank those that have helped me out along the way. The very first blog I ever ran across was Lori's blog A Cowboy's Wife and I was very intrigued by what I read and wanted to blog like that too, more than just updating my family's happenings. The great moms I have met and the great advice I have gotten has really touched me. I have been blogging a little over 4 months and have learned so much. And there are good changes for me coming soon with my blog makeover and the craft business opening (my daughter is very excited). And last but not least thank you Kristen for being a blogging buddy and making some awesome jewelry. (2nd plug that I did not pay either:)

A special thank you to Jennifer for participating now this is your opportunity to give Jennifer some love, leave a comment here about why you love Jennifer's Blog as much as I do.


  1. I know Jennifer well as she is a a regular commenter on my blogs. I adore her. She is very kind and I'm glad to see that she was featured!

  2. I love Jennifer! She is my BFF she gave me the gold card and all! Plus she's from the south...loves her steak and potatoes!!

  3. Jennifer is a wonderful lady! She is so supportive of others!

  4. Jennifer is one of the first people I met on mombloggerclub! I go to her blog daily loving what I read!

  5. I love reading Jennifer's blog!!! Can't wait to see what she and her daughter create!!!!

  6. Excellent choice! Her blog is terrific!

  7. Great interview. Jennifer is a friend from MBC. And just travels around. Love it.

  8. Great interview. Fun getting to know you better, Jennifer! Thanks, Kristen!

  9. Great to get to know you better Jennifer! We have a great deal in common! ;)

  10. Thank you so much ladies your compliments mean alot to me :-) And thanks Kristen for hosting my interview here. Your the best!!


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