Monday, September 15, 2008

Let me introduce you to......

Let me introduce you to..... is not new, but it is improved. I have featured readers before but wanted to put a twist on interviewing my featured readers. Every week I am going to feature one of my readers and to make it a bit fun I am going to offer that very special reader a chance to win one of my custom hand stamped necklaces. If you are interested in participating please send me a email message to and I can give you more details. Today only I will be offering 10% off any items in my shop, please just put friend of La Dolce Vita in the note to seller and I will send you a credit via pay pal.
Now onto our Featured Reader:

Let me know introduce you to a very dear reader, Jen of Cheaper Than Thearpy. Jen was one of my very first bloggy friends. Jen is a terrific Mom and very supportive not only of me but also other bloggy Moms. Please grab a cup of coffee and learn more about my friend Jen.

Name: Real name and Blog name: Jen The Mom (really, it's on my DL) from Cheaper Than Therapy -musings of a mom of 3

Your family: Married to the best Hubby in the world, daughters DQ, almost 10 and K, 2.5. My Boy is 7.5.

How did you start blogging? I'd been reading blogs for a while. I was designing signatures at Crumbsnatchers Graphics for about 9 months and I just got the itch to start writing. I'm hooked now!
If you are a parent do you have a parenting philosophy? Yes i'm a parent, and I learn something new all the time about being a mom and about my kids. My philosophy is simple, "live each day, love each day" the cliche holds true, time flies so fast!

You will never find me without? concealer under my eyes. I don't wear too much makeup, but concealer is a must for my inherited dark circles.

Day job: I'm a mom of a toddler and two elementary school children. I work in the classroom once a week, I make blog graphics on the side. I love it all.

Jen's Favorite Stuff:
Music: All types, my playlist is quite diverse
Food: I love hubby's bbq'ed tri tip, I love pizza, chocolate, and a hot salsa with tortilla chips Tv/ Movies: COMEDY across the board....I love The Office, Desperate Housewives, and I love Old School, and Wedding Crashers.
Reading: I'm a Patricia Cornwell fan (medical mysteries) and currently I enjoy Kate Wilhelm novels

If you had to wear a T-shirt with your favorite saying on it what would it be? I'm SO Blogging This!

Favorite stores to shop at? In a perfect world, Ann Taylor for dress up, Old Navy for casual. Reality-Target for everything.
If you aren't already a friend of Jen's head on over and take a peek at her blog, you will get hooked!


  1. Great post Kristen and Jen! Love this feature!

  2. Great interview. Fun questions. I enjoyed getting to know Jen even more. I wouldn't have known her without you! We love Kristen & Jen! :)

  3. Love the post! I know Jen (in real life) She is just as wonderful in person! She has a great blog and Kristen your Jewlery is beautiful!

  4. Yea! Fun questions and graet insight!

  5. Great interview and what a fabulous idea!

  6. Great interview!! I love reading Jen's blog!

  7. Great idea Kristen! Can't wait to see more!!

  8. Jen's blog is a great one! And you're right...she is a really great person!

    I love this feature Kristen!

  9. I just found your site and love your jewelry. In fact I just told my sweet hubby with a wink wink, nudge nudge, that I would gladly take one of your pieces for my birthday or xmas. I love Jen's Cheaper than therapy blog and have her on my favorites list, in fact I bequeathed her with an I love your blog award last week! Loved the interview had fun visiting your blog. Fondly, MaryLea

  10. Great interview, Jen! And thanks for turning us on to Kristen too! You rock lady!

  11. This is great and it's always fun to find out more about people.

  12. What a great idea! And great interview, too... I enjoy reading Jen :)

  13. What a fun interview. I also like reading Jen's blog. Yours too!

  14. great interview, Kristen...I love reading Jen's blog too!

  15. Okay, so *that* was too fun! :)

    Great idea! And I am SO making a t-shirt that says "I am SO blogging this!"!



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