Sunday, August 10, 2008

The story behind my hand stamped jewelry...

Very often my clients ask me how I got started with making hand stamped jewelry. I thought I would share my story. I spent over 11 years working in the service industry and was very focused on my career, probably too focused. I always thought when I was ready to have a kiddo it would just happen when I wanted it to happen. I never dreamed I would suffer with infertility issues. To make a long story a bit shorter it took us 3 years to have Will. When we finally had Will I was so proud, as any proud mama should be. I decided I wanted a necklace with his name on it. I just couldn't find exactly what I was looking for so hubby said, "You make jewelry (bead jewelry as a hobby) it can't be that hard, why don't you make something" I spent around 8 months researching materials, perfecting my technique and testing the quality of my necklaces. I am a perfectionist and wanted it to be just the right thickness and size. So you see my "Proud Mama" necklace is my first piece and has a story behind it.

I really never thought making my necklace would turn into a business. I started giving my "Mom 2 Be" necklace (my second creation) as baby shower gifts and then made necklaces for friends and family. Soon I started receiving requests from friends of friends so I decided to launch my business on Etsy. I was overwhelmed at how well they were received.

I feel truly blessed to have a creative outlet that allows me to make some extra money and be home with Will. I hope my jewelry holds special meaning for those that wear it. I enjoy my clients as they are some of the kindest folks out there. It makes my day when they take time to email me and tell me how much they like their stamped jewelry.

So you see, sometimes you just never know where a venture will take you. When I look back at my journey I really feel things happen for a reason.


  1. WOW! I didn't know that...Kristen you definitely an inspiration to us all. Not only as an amazing artist(you are the best) but as a mother and friend!

  2. I think that is such a great story.

    And I'm a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason."

  3. Great story! Isn't it great turning a hobby into something more?

  4. Your Will necklace definitely made me want a personalized necklace of my own. The NOLAN & Cross necklace you created for me is one of my favorite pieces of jewelry! Besides my wedding ring set and Nolan's birthstone ring, your custom creation is one of the few pieces of jewelry I will make an effort to remember to wear. :-)

  5. What a wonderful inspirtation you are and you have such a natural gift at making your jewlery.

  6. Kristen, I CANNOT beleive i WON one of your pieces from Nut in a Nutshell's giveaway!! I am more than thrilled. First of all, I never win anything and secondly, I don't think you have a bigger fan. I will make my choice in the next day or so and I will treasure this special gift. Thank you. Thank you SO much.

    I loved reading your story. You are a gifted artist and a delightful mom and blogger. Blessings.


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