Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I heart JB

So many young girls are just crazy about the Jonas Brothers. They really are a very talented trio of brothers, ok I discovered they really are brothers. Here are some facts I know about the Jonas Brothers. Please let me know if I pass the cool test:

  • Their names are Kevin, Joe and Nick
  • Their latest album is A Little Bit Longer
  • They have a show in Disney called Jonas Brothers: Living the Dream
  • They were in a movie called Camp Rock, a made for Disney Movie (I admit I think I saw part of this)
  • The brothers have all been home schooled by their mother
  • All three boys wear purity rings on their left hand ring finger and have vowed not to have premarital sex

I couldn't resist creating the "I heart JB" necklace. I think every fan should be able to display their love for these talented brothers. Visit my shop if you would like details to purchase the "I Heart JB".

Would you like to read a Acrocstic poem about the Jonas Brothers then visit Two Crazy Girls blog.

Please also let me know if I passed the cool test and if you have any factoids to add about the Jonas Brothers.


  1. Ummmm.....I heart JB. Actually, JJ specifically. We took the girls to the concert and I contracted OJD. It's embarrassing. But he's SOOOOOO CUUUUTE!!!!!!!!!!

  2. hahaha! Joe is our favorite one too. Don't tell. :) You definitely pass the cool test.

  3. I so heart the JB, my girls think they have hung the moon and think I am a little silly when their songs are being played. I just really hope they stay the way they are and don't let Hollywood ruin them.

  4. LOL Oh now you have done it, I will be ordering one of these for my daughter soon (and maybe one for me too lol) They are great singers and oh so cute. Where were they in the 80s?


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