Monday, August 4, 2008

Happy Monday!

A special thank you to everyone who wished Will a speedy recovery. Poor Will was so sick for an entire week, but now is on the mend.
How could I deny him a towel for his frozen lemonade pop, (you know so his hands wouldn't get cold)
You always know your kiddo is getting better when they start terrorizing your house again!
So tell me what is the best "Get Well" tip you have when your kids are sick?


  1. No kids but I loved me some ginger ale when I was sick. Very comforting. Still is.

  2. So glad that Will is on the meand, I always hate when my kiddos are sick.

  3. Keep an empty trash can nearby at all times!

    Great to hear that Will is feeling better! Summer colds/flu is just wrong!

  4. so glad that Will is feeling better! love the towel for the freezer pop:) too cute! XO, Clare

  5. So sweet that photo!! Poor little guy. I have no tips - knock on wood. I'm sure your extra love will do the trick!

  6. Aw- so glad he's doing better! Our get well trick is to just do WHATEVER they want to make them happy LOL!


  7. I am glad he is feeling better!

    I guess my only tip is Children's Motrin for a fever and acheys. Oh and my boys both enjoy having their forheads stroked when they are sick!

  8. cool washcloth on the forehead and running my fingers on their back. they just want to know you are there.

  9. I only have a one year old. So, not many good tips, as of yet. Such a cute picture. I found you from Entrecard ad exchance. Love your site.


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