Saturday, August 30, 2008

Awards, Awards, Awards

I know I have said this before but I just love awards! Who doesn't enjoy bloggy love. The first award is........ I Love Your Blog and came from one of my first bloggy friends Laurie from Laurie Beggin Glass Musings please stop by Laurie's site and take a peek at her beautiful stained glass work, her work is beautiful.

The second award came from LeAnn who is also one of my first bloggy friends, I love this award and I hope we do remain Blog Friends Forever. Stop by and say hi to LeAnn at Tolleson4him LeAnn is a sweetheart, thank you!

It is my great pleasure to pass this award on to the following:

Tolleson4him (I Love Your Blog Award)

From Diapers to Designs

Cinnamon and Honey

Home of the Lazy Dog

Keep it classy Jen

Laurie Beggin Stained Glass Musings (BFF Award)

My Cup 2 Yours

Jiggety Jigg

Cutie Booty Cakes

Happily Ever Award

Boutique Flair

Cheaper than Therapy Jen


  1. Thank you Kristen! I love getting awards too!

  2. Congrats on the awards! I'm a friend of Laurie's and found you through her blog. Your work is lovely! All the best to you ~ Sharon

  3. Yay!!! Thanks!!! Totally makes me feel better!

  4. Kristen you are such a gem! You deserve these awards so much and thanks for the Visa card! ;) *hug* I really appreciate your friendship!

  5. Thanks a lot! Yay! My whole weekend is brighter now! And congrats - you totally deserve them!

  6. Oh - Kristen, thank you so much for the award. I eally appreciate it. Getting awards is so much fun!

  7. Thank you Kristen! I know we will stay forever blog friends :-)

  8. Oh, thank you SO MUCH! :-D I love it!!!

    I hope you are having a fantastic weekend!


Thanks for leaving some comment love!