Thursday, August 21, 2008

Awards, Awards and more Awards....

I am feeling the love, I mean who doesn't like awards. I received these amazing awards from the following bloggy friends:

Jen at Keep It Classy Jen
Laurie at Through The Looking Glass
Prim and Proper Mom

I am passing these awards on to the following:

Adventures in Babywearing
Diapers to Designs
Half Pass Kissin Time
Home of the Lazy Dog
Stylish Stitches
My Cup 2 Yours
Cinnamon and Honey
Through the Looking Glass (The Loveable Award)

Now all you need to do is pass some bloggy love on to others. Pay it forward.


  1. Thank you Kristen!! I haven't gotten the Loveable Award, yet. It's so cute!

  2. Thanks Kristen!!! Another bloggy award, I can hardly stand it, now I have two:) sending hugs!

  3. Thank you Kristen! This is means a lot! I have not gotten the Loveable award yet! I will be honored to pass this along!
    Thanks ;)

  4. SO, so sweet of you! THanks very much! :)


Thanks for leaving some comment love!