Monday, July 28, 2008

Army Wives 7/27/08 **Spoiler alert***

This weeks episode was jam packed! If you haven't watched it yet, then you better stop reading, Spoiler Alert ahead!!!
Can you believe this much happened in less than 1 hour:
Roland was accused of inappropriate behavior with a student (it wasn't true of course)
Joan and Roland asked Claudia Joy and Michael to be the God Parents of their baby to be!
Pamela is furious at Chase for not telling her that he was a part of a sting operation. Some of his team members were smuggling artifacts from Iraq and selling them. Maybe he isn't telling the truth and really was involved???
Claudia Joy had a pregnancy scare, she isn't and doesn't want to be. Michael would like another child. I think they are opening up the door for this in later episodes, you never know. What do you think, should they have another child?
Roxy catches her new waitress (Anna Ortiz) hitting on Trevor, she quickly fires her. Anna's character tries suing Roxy for wrongful termination. Don't worry the lawsuit won't be going anywere, she has a history of doing this elsewhere. I was disappointed that Anna had such a brief appearance on the show, it would have been nice to have her around for a few episodes.
Denise kisses the young, hunky doctor. She does stop herself. In the previews for next week doc ends up in some type of accident. Maybe they will shut the door on this and not allow her to have a choice. We shall see what happens!
Can't wait until next weeks episode! I hear that the show does an excellent job depicting what Army life is really like. I love the show!
The "Proud Army Mom" hand stamped necklace is available in my shop.


  1. Last night was quite a night for the army wives. I love this show. Sunday nights are my favorite because I get everyone to bed and then I lie in my bed watching.

  2. I'm going to forward this to a friend, what a pretty piece!

    If you are ever looking for someone to review your site, just contact me. Awesome stuff!!!

  3. this piece is really lovely. I met a woman yesterday who's 20 yr old son is an mp in Iraq and she was looking at a new pix of him on my space and crying when out of the blue he calls her! neat, huh?

  4. I came here from the Bloggy Giveaway. I love this neclace. Very cute! I am a proud Army wife. I also like the neclace Kristen - but with an IN! :)

    Cute things.

  5. My sister just joined the Army and I think my mom would really like this. I'm forwarding it to her. I really love your work.


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