Saturday, July 12, 2008

AAAH the life.....

Some days don't you wish you could just do this all day long???
I can't remember the last time I took a nap!


  1. Love it, I'm not a napper either!

    I have a contest today, come check it! ;)

  2. awwhhh, what a sweet little peanut! I miss those days...If I get four hours of sleep I'm lucky! Bless his little heart and yours for sharing such a precious picture! With gratitude, Laurie B.

  3. That is a cute picture!! I love when my kids are napping and I can capture it. I am finally back from vacation I feel so out of it..

    hey I left you a suprise on my blog check it out :)

  4. So sweet! My oldest had never been much of a napper but I got a cute pic of my 4 year old the other day napping with his daddy:)

  5. Ahh, the joys of napping. Yes, I wish I could do that... the baby looks so comfortable!


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