Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Winners are........and please join me!

Doesn't it just feel good to give! Whether you give a helping hand, a smile to a stranger or pass on an item you no longer have use for giving just feels good! When you give without expecting anything in return you will receive.

Please join me in the 29 Day giving challenge. You can sign up at http://www.29gifts.org

To kick off my 29 Day giving challenge I would like to announce the winners of the free Ben and Jerry's ice cream:

The winners are:



Congrats you were randomly selected by Will!


  1. WOOHOO!!! I love Ben & Jerry's thanks for picking me :)

  2. Are you kidding??? Oh my gosh and ICE CREAM!!! You scream, I scream!! This couldn't come at a better "week" if you know what I mean! Thanks SO very much!

  3. I just recently found your blog and have enjoyed reading. Love your jewelery by the way...very beautiful.
    I went and checked out the 29 day giving challange for myself and joined. I hope to get started on it very soon! I think it's a great idea and something that I need right now. Thank you for sharing about it!

  4. Very cool Kristen! I love the challenge...I've been giving away fresh picked strawberries but I totally DIG your B & J idea! Now....how do you give away a Ben and Jerry's ice cream? Can you give gift certificates or something??? Too wonderful!
    With gratitude, Laurie B.


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