Sunday, January 27, 2008

What is your favorite charity????

Kristen's Custom Creations gives back!!!!

I am pleased to announce that each month I will be selecting a charity that I will be giving a portion of my profits to. I will feature the selected charity on my blog and most often I will have a featured item designed specifically for that charity. I need your help each month selecting a charity. I know many of you have a charity that is near and dear to you so please leave me a comment(click on the envelope below) with your suggestions. For the February charity please leave a comment by January 31st!
What charity should I feature in February???? Please feel free to forward this blog to friends as I will be keeping a tally. Check back often to see the featured charity!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, my second attempt at leaving a post...I don't know what I'm doing wrong so please forgive me if you get this multiple times.
    My vote is for the Dearborn Animal Shelter. We adopted our Dozer there (he was a terrific dog!) and the staff is great. You have a WONDERFUL blogspot, Kristen. And, I'm so impressed with your business launch. You go!


Thanks for leaving some comment love!